Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Hackers on TV

Almost completed a new paper on Hackers on TV to complement the previous paper on Hackers in the movies:


This paper will look at about 75 TV shows (US and UK), featuring 110 hackers and over 3000 episodes. I'm stuck at the moment, because I'm not sure if Seymour Birkhoff (Aaron Stanford) in Nikita is supposed to be the same character as Seymour Birkoff (Matthew Ferguson) in La Femme Nikita. I know that different things happen to each of them in the episodes, but I don't know if they are two totally different characters with the same (well, a similar) name or are they supposed to be connected somehow (in comics terms Earth-1/Earth-2 or Regular Marvel/Ultimates)?

Any suggestions: Damian.Gordon@dit.ie